Tuesday, 21 August 2012


The students were given a task of comparing two Food Pyramids; old and new. This was done through a jigsaw puzzle activity. The two pyramids were given in the form of jigsaw puzzles which the students had to put together in groups. Thereafter they had to compare and write the differences between the two pyramids. The students utilized their thinking and social skills well while completing the task. 

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Common Noun and Proper Noun

The students were asked to go around Panini and list down names of things they come across. Once they came back to the classroom a discussion followed and they confidently informed the teachers that they had listed down Nouns. They were then asked to sort and group the words into two columns and Voila! they grouped the nouns into Common Noun and Proper Noun.

Lines of Inquiry and Key Concepts

The three lines of inquiry were given to the students and they were asked to come up with the key concepts which they thought would relate to each line of inquiry. They also had to justify their choice of a particular Key Concept for each Line of Inquiry. Different perspectives came up and we had a very intense and fruitful session. 

Prior-Knowledge Assessment - Parts of Speech

Students were given a set of words and they had to sort the same in meaningful groups. They managed to sort the words into various parts of speech- verbs, nouns, adjectives and prepositions!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Independence Day Celebrations!!

Grade 5 organised and conducted an event to celebrate the Independence Day of Pakistan, India and Korea. The program included a song, a poem, a PPT on India's freedom struggle and freedom fighters and a dance performance. Some of the Grade 4 students were part of the dance. The music clip for the dance was taken from 'Gurus of Peace' by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, a renowned artist from Pakistan along with the Oscar winning music composer from India, A.R.Rahman. The video of the same is uploaded below. 

Independence Day

The messengers of Peace

The Colours of the Indian Flag

The Audience

PPT by Grade 5

 Grade 4 Performers

 Grade 4 Performers

 Grade 4 Performers

 Grade 4 Performers


Grade 4 Performers

Monday, 13 August 2012

Fishing for Addition

Fishing strategy was used to revisit the operation of addition. The students had to correctly solve as many sums as possible to emerge as winners. A fisherman's bag was used to fish out paper fish, thereafter the students had to solve the sum given on the fish. The students had to attempt at least twelve sums. Some students challenged themselves and caught all the fish!!


Our Understanding of the Central Idea

Following the provocation to the unit, the students were given the Central Idea for the Unit. It was cut up into group of words and mixed up and given to the students. They had to form sentences correctly and come up with the Central Idea. They also came up with different ideas on how inquiry could be taken further.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Fantastic First Week.

A fun ice-breaker for our class. A simple, but fun, way for everyone to get to know each other.

Next came the Paper-Plane activity. For this activity each student made their own plane and wrote down 1 lie and 2 truths about themselves on the planes, but they were not to write their names. After this they had to fly the paper planes around the class room for 60 seconds, and then each child picked a plane belonging to someone else. The students had to read out the three statements written on the plane and the rest of the class had to guess who the plane belonged to as well as which statement was a lie.  

Our Essential Agreements 
We discussed and came up with the Essential Agreements for 4Y.

Attributes & Attitudes After being paired off, the students refreshed their memories and discussed the importance of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. They matched the attributes to the respective attitudes and then were asked to explain why they made the matches. The discussion was voracious and in the end the students realized that all the attributes and attitudes are related in some way or the other. 

Transdisciplinary Themes
Each group was given one TD Theme for which they showed their understanding of the  same through a performance based task. The other groups had to guess what the TD Theme was. 

The students worked in groups and came up with their understanding of the strands of the TD Theme 'WHO WE ARE'. Each group worked on one strand of the TD Theme and shared their understanding with the rest of the class.

Provocation to the unit - This was done through a 'Find your Partner' activity. Each student was given a strip with a group of words. The students then had to find their partners to complete the sentences related to health. This was followed by a class discussion on the sentences leading to five factors that affect our health, i.e., Food, Hygiene, Exercise, Rest and Recreation.