Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tuning In- Role play by the teachers

Tuning In to the third line of inquiry (Ways in which we can keep ourselves healthy and disease free) was done through a role-play by the teachers. Teachers grouped themselves into two families and one family followed the healthy life style while the other did not. All the five factors that affect our health were included in the role-play. The children had a lot of fun watching their teachers perform for them. It was a good learning experience as well, as it led to a group discussion on different ways in which we can keep ourselves healthy and disease free.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Literacy Week and Hindi Saptah

Day 1
Literacy Week and Hindi Saptah were celebrated in the schools from 10th - 14th September. The week started with a special assembly on how Hindi came to be the National Language of India. This was followed by a Hindi song by the Grade 5 students. Hindi special assemblies went on for three days and included a street play by Grade 4 and a role-play by Grade 2.

Grade 4 completed reading the Cinderella stories from around the world.

Eureka Book Fair was a part of Literacy Week too. Students had a choice of books by authors like Ruskin Bond, Enid Blyton and Rudyard Kipling among the others. They enjoyed browsing and selecting books to buy them at a student discount of 10%.

Day 2
Having read the stories now it was time to enact them in our classrooms. Students enjoyed enacting the clips from the Cinderella stories they had been reading. Another excitement on the day two of Literacy Week was a story telling session by one of the parents, Ms Monica Chopra. 

Day 3
It was a day of making bookmarks and book covers which the students decorated with illustrations from the Cinderella stories they had been reading. They also wrote couplets on their bookmarks thus personalizing them!

Day 4
The day to go wild with our imaginations! The students used the Six Thinking Hats and wrote extensions to the Cinderella stories they had been reading. Cinderella was written in various genres; Adventure, Humour etc.

Day 5
The Final Day! The students walked into the school dressed up as Cinderella, Prince Charming, Skeleton etc. They were dressed as a favourite character from the stories they had read. Highlight of the day was an interaction with Mr. Rajesh Nagulakonda and Mr. Sourav Dutta, renowned illustrator and editor from Campfire publications. Mr Nagulakonda demonstrated the process of creating illustrations for the books.
Students also had an opportunity to hear a Swiss Folk Tale, 'Florina and the Wild Bird' over a Skype session with Ms. Arpita Saxena from Berne, Switzerland.

Literacy Week was a week full of fun and learning!! 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Literacy Week-Cinderella Stories from Around the World

Grade 4 has already started preparing for the Literacy Week by reading Cinderella stories from around the world. We have already read
The Philippine Cinderella

The Chinese Cinderella

The Indian Cinderella

The Mexican Cinderella

The Persian Cinderella

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Teacher's Day

Smiling, bright faces of children carrying flowers, chocolates and cards welcomed the teachers to school today. The Primary School Student Council along with some Grade 4 and 5 students planned and organized wonderful performances in honour of the teachers. All the teachers were given a Certificate of Appreciation and a hand made bookmark. The dance and music performances made the day joyous and cheerful!

A Healthy Day - Formative Assessment Task

Using Think, Pair and Share students planned a day that included healthy meals and snacks, physical activity, rest and entertainment. Students had to propose at least five things that they could do from morning to night that would be considered healthy choices. They could present their understanding in any which way they wanted. They were assessed through a student-generated rubric. At the end of each role play and poster presentation the students gave constructive feedback to the presenters using the White(information) and Blue(thinking) Thinking Hats. They also assessed the peer group on their Communication, Social and Self-management skills. Attributes; Knowledgeable and Balanced were displayed during the task.